Thursday, March 15, 2012


75 - 71° - Sunny - Spring Meadows Park
74 - 71° - Sunny - Spring Meadows Park

A few months ago there was an article in the Sentinel that an 9 hole, medium disc golf course was going to be set up at South Middleton Park. Last week when I was walking along the path, I noticed these metal poles with baskets along the path, and areas that were marked with red flags. I assumed they had something to do with disc golf.

Sure enough, today as I was walking along the path at the park, there were three men tossing Frisbees into the basket. I spoke with one of the men and he gave me a brief overview of the course that was here and the principals of the game. He was carrying a bag that looked like a camera bag, and in it were at least a dozen Frisbees. They were about the same size, but different widths and he described them in golf terms - putters, drivers, etc. The poles are the “targets” and the red flags are the tee “pads”. He said that it is played much like golf.

The game has been around since the late '60s and is gaining in popularity. If you are an avid “golfer” you might want to try out the course. The Red Cardinal B&B is very close. Why not be our guest and get out and play.

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