Sunday, March 11, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

71 - 62° - Sunny and warm - Spring Meadows Park
70 - 45° - Sunny and colder - Spring Meadows Park
69- 50° - WINDY and cold - Spring Meadows Park

Saturday we celebrated my dad’s 92nd birthday at Fiddler’s Restaurant in Mayapple. This is a great local restaurant. The meals were tasty and the waiter served a delicious piece of chocolate, chocolate cake with a candle for dessert and sang “Happy Birthday”. Oftentimes, we recommend Fiddler’s to our guests.

My dad has lived through 16 Presidents! the Great Depression, and WWII. He danced to the music of Frank Sinatra and the Big Bands of Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey. He talked into a telephone and the operator talked back. Now he talks into the phone and the phone talks back. He watched TV when there was 3 channels, now there are 803! He is an example of "living" history.

Today we got in the mood for St. Patrick’s Day. We attended a Celtic concert at the First Lutheran Church in Carlisle. The Fine Arts at First hosted Cormorant’s Fancy, a talented group of 5 musicians who perform a variety of Irish and Scottish traditional folk music. I thoroughly enjoyed the harmony of the tinwhiste, fiddle, concertina and bodharan; instruments that I don’t hear too often. Cormorant’s Fancy performs locally and their schedule is available on

I will be getting out my Irish recipes this week - Irish Soda Bread, Corn Beef and Cabbage, Shepherd’s pie and my great-grandmother’s rice pudding.

If you are in the area this weekend to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, consider a stay at the Red Cardinal B&B.

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